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Republicans bring supermajorities to 2025 Iowa legislative session


When the sound of a gavel opens the 91st Iowa General Assembly on Monday, Jan. 13, the region’s delegation of Republicans will contribute to supermajorities in both chambers. GOP leaders head into the session with property taxes, higher education system reforms and immigration policy among the priorities.

Avoiding an unplanned polar plunge

As Lakes residents stocked up on provisions to welcome in 2025, more than a few outdoors enthusiasts grabbed their rods and bait for some downright balmy ice fishing.

While Iowa DNR Fisheries Management Biologist Mike Hawkins said the mild end to 2024 didn’t do “us any favors for ice conditions” at the time, Mother Nature has a way of using her Zamboni in the Upper Midwest.

Teen’s Snapchat threats lead to arrest

Snapchat threats directed at Okoboji High School drew the attention of the FBI and local authorities Monday night, but school officials in Milford were able to proceed with an otherwise typical school day on Tuesday.

The FBI initially contacted the Clay County Sheriff’s Office on Monday regarding “some concerning messages sent via Snapchat” from the teenager.

Four face drug charges after search of Terril home

Four people were charged with drug-related offenses after Dickinson County Sheriff’s deputies searched a home and garage at 303 South First Street in Terril on Friday.

IGLA Chamber announces 45th U of O Cheerleaders

The Iowa Great Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce on Monday announced the five individuals and two couples who will represent the region as 2025 University of Okoboji Winter Games Cheerleaders.

Chamber officials collected nominations throughout the month of December. Then, on Jan. 2, organizers unveiled the list of 49 individuals and couples who were nominated by peers to showcase the spirit of the 45th Annual Winter Games.

IGLA Chamber announces Christmas tree drop-off locations

The Iowa Great Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce has drop-off points for the area’s natural evergreen trees and wreaths. Visit lots at Arnolds Park Amusement Park (seen here) and the Dickinson County Expo Building. (Photo by Russ Mitchell)

Donations also have a fire safety benefit

The Burning of the Greens is a popular tradition of Winter Games, and the Iowa Great Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce needs help to make it happen.

Community Briefs 01-09-25


Winther, Stave & Co. has recently released an audit report on Dickinson County Recycling Commission in Milford.

The Commission's receipts totaled $149,814 for the year ended June 30, 2024. Operating disbursements for the year for business-type activities totaled $126,065. Nonoperating receipts totaled $985. Cash balances increased by $24,734 during the year.

12th Annual Grape Escape set for Feb. 7

This year Lakes Regional Healthcare Foundation will hold its 12th annual Grape Escape fundraiser to celebrate the advancements in healthcare in the Iowa Great Lakes and to raise funds toward future projects.

The event will be held Friday, Feb. 7, at the Roof Garden Ballroom. The evening begins with hors d’oeuvres and Prosecco and bourbon tasting upon arrival followed by three plated courses— paired with select wines — and prepared by the Hi-Lo Supper Club and Catering.

Homeschool Ed- ventures asks: ‘Poo-dunit?’

Learn about the evidence animals leave behind during the winter at Homeschool Ed-ventures. This free program offered by the Dickinson County Nature Center provides science and environmental education support to children ages 5-12.


Lakes Regional Healthcare offered congratulations to Madyson Bergendahl and Dakotah Fisher of Estherville. They are the proud parents of Tucker, Dickinson County’s New Year’s Baby. Tucker was born at 7:03 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 2, at Lakes Regional Healthcare (LRH).  9 pounds, 3 ounces and 21 inches in length.

Madyson and Dakotah weren’t too surprised to have the New Year’s Baby because they had a planned c-section delivery scheduled for the day after New Years.

Nature Center announces next No School Day Camp for MLK holiday

Does your child not have school on Monday, Jan. 20? The Dickinson County Nature Center is offering several No School Day Camps for grades 4-8.

From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the students can enjoy “Outdoor Day at Horseshoe Bend.” Campers will learn about Dutch oven cooking by using the equipment, making a recipe, and savoring the final product!

Sirens 01-09-25

Troy William Coy, age 53, is set to make an appearance on Jan. 16 as the court considers a revocation of his probation. He was originally charged with third or subsequent offense of operating while under the influence, driving while barred, operating a vehicle without the owner's consent and two violations of probation for an incident occurring at approximately 8:52 p.m. Monday, May 27, 2024, near Highway 71 in Spirit Lake.

Event registrations open for Winter Games events

The University of Okoboji Winter Games unfolds each year over the last weekend in January and the 45th edition of the Games  take place Jan. 23-26.

Participants will find many registration forms at For more information, contact the Iowa Great Lakes Area Chamber via: or 712-332-2107.


No. 1 STORY OF 2024: Major flooding hits Dickinson County

The rain kept coming in the overnight hours of Friday June 21 into Saturday, June 22 and Dickinson County residents, business owners and parks officials woke up to major damage.

Homeowners scrambled to mitigate sewer backups and tourism slowed to a crawl due to high water levels in the Iowa Great Lakes. More than a dozen homes within 48 hours of the flood, according to Dickinson County Emergency Management (DCEM)'s Mike Ehret.

No. 2 STORY OF 2024: Voters back major elementary school projects

Voters in two Dickinson County school districts backed a total of $87.6 million in school construction projects in the last two election cycles. Dignitaries broke ground on a Harris-Lake Park Elementary School construction project in October. A month later, Okoboji School District voters gave a $69 million bond referendum 63% approval.

In addition, Spirit Lake’s Parents in Education group continues to raise funds for a $1 million elementary school playground proposal.

No. 3 STORY OF 2024: Turbines, pipelines still fuel debate



The Dickinson County Board of Supervisors continued to face a two-front challenge in 2024 as issues surrounding the Summit carbon pipeline and the Red Rock wind turbine project continued to pepper board agendas.


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